Verification Process Management

The Verification Process Management Service is a series of activities carried out to verify and validate data from prospective customers. Some of the methods we can use are the i-Move Mobile Application (Integrated Mobile Verification), an application whose function is to get valid and accurate productivity data and make Field Verifier work easier. Then with the Televerification method, a method that can drastically reduce time and labor and reduce intervention from third parties when verifying. Apart from Verification Process Management, you can also visit our other outsourcing company services such as Employee Supply Management, Collection Process Management, Sales Process Management, and Office Cleaning Service, of course with an experienced and professional workforce.

Our Service

Field Verifier supported with a Mobile Application

This service is the fulfillment of employees for field verification or surveyor positions, as well as providing supporting application services in the form of i-MOVE (Integrated Mobile Verification).

Benefits Field Verifier Service supported with a Mobile Application

  • The Field Verifier work process can run better immediately with work support tools.
  • The field verifier can immediately standardize all work tools.
  • With i-MOVE, you can get accurate and valid productivity data.
  • The field verifier work process is faster and smoother.
  • Field verifier work productivity is getting better.
  • Simplify the field verifier work process.
  • Optimal Monitoring to monitor field officers in real time with the location tracking feature and monitoring dashboard.
  • Manage assignments to manage the daily assignments of field officers.
  • Flexible in customizing verification questions, how to distribute assignments and determine the roles of i-MOVE application users.


Televerification is our service to help clients collect and validate customer data as accurately as possible without meeting face to face.

Televerification Advantages

  • Reduce verification costs up to 5 times.
  • Increase productivity up to 8 times greater.
  • Reducing third party intervention in verifying data.
  • Increase the efficiency of verification time up to 4 times.
  • Client does not bear the risk of managing the verification process.
  • There is a system Call Data Recording and Dashboard Monitoring.
  • Realtime Report and Service Legal Agreement Fit (Proses Pemenuhan SLA).
  • Customized Verification System.
  • There is Quality Assurance to check the verification results.

Trusted Jakarta Outsourcing Company Since 2007

PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri (SIMGROUP) has been trusted by dozens of companies from various industries in providing outsourcing management services such as: employee supply management, sales process management, office cleaning services, and others. For more detailed information about our outsourcing services you can contact us here.

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