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Jasa Cleaning Service, Professional Outsourcing by SIM

Outsource cleaning service professional outsourcing services from PT. Swarkarya Insan Mandiri (SIM), providing cleaning services for buildings, offices, factories, hotels, malls and other commercial areas. With our network and representatives spread across various cities in Indonesia, we provide cleaning services in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar, Medan and other major cities in Indonesia (see our outsourcing network). Entrust the outsourcing needs of your company's cleaning services with us who have been trusted by various companies throughout Indonesia. Our clients.

There are various choices of cleaning services for your needs such as General / Regular Cleaning, Outdoor Cleaning, & Pest Control. A wide variety of service options from us are of course carried out by professional, trained and quality service personnel.

Our Service

Cleaning Service Options

All-in-one cleaning service with a wide selection of services that can be tailored to your company's needs and budget. Here are some of the cleaning service options we provide. Contact us if you need further information.

Why Choose Our Cleaning Service?

Percayakan kebutuhan alih daya jasa cleaning service perusahaan Anda bersama SIM. Kami memiliki tim tenaga kerja yang terlatif, professional, berpengalaman, dan berdedikasi tinggi. Setiap staff yang kami outsource telah melalui proses seleksi yang ketat sehingga dapat sesuai dengan Standard Operational Procedure perusahaan.

Trusted Jakarta Outsourcing Company Since 2007

PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri (SIMGROUP) has been trusted by dozens of companies from various industries in providing outsourcing management services such as: employee supply management, sales process management, office cleaning services, and others. For more detailed information about our outsourcing services you can contact us here.

Open chat
Welcome to Swakarya Insan Mandiri. If you need further information, feel free to contact our team who are ready to help you.