June 2020

New Normal New Coffee Talk

Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar yang sering kita dengar (PSBB) akibat pandemi COVID-19 telah kita lalui, memang dengan diberlakukannya PSBB kegiatan berkumpul seperti Coffee Talk yang rutin diselenggarakan oleh SIMGROUP tidak dapat dilaksanakan untuk menjaga penyebaran COVID-19 di lingkungan SIMGROUP. Sesuai dengan aturan dari Pemerintah sebagian besar karyawan melakukan Work Form Home (WFH). Pastinya rekan-rekan SIMERS …

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Trusted Jakarta Outsourcing Company Since 2007

PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri (SIMGROUP) has been trusted by dozens of companies from various industries in providing outsourcing management services such as: employee supply management, sales process management, office cleaning services, and others. For more detailed information about our outsourcing services you can contact us here.

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